"Soft Launch"

The Draper Open Space team was hard at work getting the course ready for Father's Day! The course is fully mowed and ready for play. The course is very playable. Play with a few friends to help watch discs that go in the rough.
10-year lens
Please, as you play, be hopeful and forgiving. This land has never been improved and has a long road ahead of it. We've been given a 30-acre gift, and we are excited to see it continually invested in from the Draper community.
When does it "officially" open?

Sometime in July. There are a few things that still need to be completed. 9's triple mandatory is currently in manufacturing; we need to install 18 benches; the tee signs are being printed and we're hoping for another mow and mulching of high traffic areas.
Draper will have a ribbon cutting and it'll be added publically to uDisc.
If the course is installed, and ready to play, why isn't it on uDisc?
The course isn't ready for the general public just yet. We have repeatedly seen new courses added to uDisc receive poor reviews. For the future success of this project, it's crucial that the course receives positive reviews from the outset. Acceptance and good play from the community can lead to further funding and municipal support. It's essential that the course is fully "ready" when introduced to the broader community. Please remember this when writing your review post-round. The course is still a work in progress. Consider holding off on your thoughts and reviews until after the official launch and ribbon-cutting ceremony. If you're reading this, you're among the select few who are informed about disc golf; you're not the general public—you're a disc golfer.
Until then, keep it in the fairway, and when you can't, please stomp down as much tall grass and thistle as you can, and return all lost discs to Another Round Salt Lake City for returning to their owners.

Every Wednesday night we have our ElevateUT Singles League @ River Bottoms. Find out more information at: www.elevateut.com/league. This week, Eric is out of town so we will be playing doubles! See you Wednesday at 5PM.
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